DVT Makes a Splash at Devcon Bogota
Discover more about the SSV Devcon Bogota Hackathon: Learn about all the different DVT-based applications that were built.
ETHGlobal’s Devcon Bogota was the biggest Ethereum conference to date, with ecosystem participants showing up in full force! This crucial conference is about everything Ethereum, from blockchain gaming to Layer 2 scaling solutions, Rollups, DVT, and beyond!
From the start of trustless validator pools, to the development of SSV (Secret Shared Validators) and later DVT (Distributed Validator Technology), this technology has existed shrouded in mystery. But since SSV’s first appearance at Devcon 2019, the protocol has made significant strides in transforming DVT from an unknown topic into an essential addition to the Ethereum security layer. And thanks to the decision made by the SSV Network DAO, we were able to host our first hackathon in Bogota adding builders to the ranks of our ecosystem and spreading awareness of SSV. Who knows, DVT could be centerstage for Devcon 7.
From our humble beginnings to now representing SSV in the opening Devcon conference, the team started with a workshop presented by our VP of Product, Ariel Zimroni, and CTO, Lior Ruttenberg. These two have taken the helm in introducing the ssv.network’s decentralized infrastructure for Ethereum staking.
After ensuring everyone understood how the SSV Network enables multiple ETH staking use cases (that inherently makes the network more decentralized and antifragile), the builders were off. And in just 48 hours, eager builders could execute fully functioning staking applications using SSV. With additional support from the team in the form of knowledge and snacks, hackathon participants took on various challenges to build their solutions.
This year’s Devcon has been a major milestone for DVT, and considering the recent success of the merge, validators and Eth decentralization have become the focal point. The teams building on SSV at Bogota have been a great example of what can be done with DVT, and it’s been amazing to see what they came up with in such a short time.
Watch Avado present Frens at the ETHBogota closing ceremony.
Having all the teams build using SSV infrastructure has been an honor. With so many innovative solutions crossing the finish line, we’re super excited for the future of ETH staking. With various grants already in the pipeline, five new proposals were submitted by teams to continue working on their SSV-based solutions. Check out the Network’s hub and apply for a grant today!
After a long day developers could clear their heads, with the SSV team hosting a Smash Tournament with loads of prizes and POAPs. Here they could chill out after a hard day in the coding forges and resupply for the next sprint.
Since the hackathon was such a success, the SSV team has decided to host many more hackathons in the future, both on- and offline. More information on this soon. In the meantime, see what the SSV DAO and its builders have been up to!
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