How to Stake SSV — Primus Testnet —

Why Stake SSV on Primus?

Primus testnet enables its participants to be rewarded with SSV tokens for running operators and validators and help us get ready for mainnet.

Wallets participating in the testnet that are also have SSV tokens are eligible for the largest portion of the reward pool (in pink):

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When registering an operator or a validator, a user uses a wallet to sign the registration transaction.

By having SSV token in your registration wallet, the user will be eligible to an allocation from the largest reward pool (allocation A):

  • Allocation A: 6,400 SSV tokens (50%) for validators which registered with an address with SSV tokens
  • Allocation B: 1,920 SSV tokens (15%) for all validators (registered with addresses with / without SSV
  • Allocation C: 2,240 SSV tokens (17.5%) for verified operators (including dAppnodes)
  • Allocation D: 2,240 SSV tokens (17.5%) for all operators (verified and not verified)

In the example below you will find a reward allocation comparison from ‘Round 1’ for users with only 1 validator have anywhere between 0 SSV to 4,910 SSV

There is about a 180% difference between staking and non-staking users!

The staked SSV are in your own wallet, under sole control. There is no need to send your tokens to a smart contract. This means that you can opt in and out at any moment.

How to Track Reward Allocation & Eligibility

We have developed a few tools that allow you to track your future reward allocation as well as your reward eligibility for each round. Note that both are still under development so there might be some inaccuracies. If you spot anything that might be out of order, reach out to the community over Discord.

To estimate your future reward allocation use the calculator in this link.

To see if you are eligible to receive reward in a specific round, visit the explorer and search your validator.