DappNode x ssv.network

The ssv.network and DappNode partnership enable many new things for SSV operators. See what the latest partnership has in store.

DappNode recently announced the addition of native ssv.network support for their users. Basically, any DappNode runner that wishes to become an ssv operator is able to do so with a simple setup</a >. Running an ssv node is a great way for any DappNode user to achieve a few important goals:

  1. Help other stakers generate yield from staking ETH
  2. Allowing stakers the option to use hardware solutions for running their validator
  3. Generate additional yield for themselves
  4. Keep ethereum decentralized

DappNode quick intro

For those of you that are not familiar with DappNode, they provide hardware solutions for running Blockchain nodes and connecting to web3. Basically an easy to setup mini computer that is solely dedicated to running ethereum clients (eth1+2). DappNode is a great solution for ‘solo stakers’ that usually run nodes on their own machines. Lastly, DappNode is also working towards promoting client diversification</a > and having more people running their nodes themselves, i.e protecting ethereum’s decentralization.

Hardware based redundancy

DappNode’s ssv support is an important attribute to ssv.network since it allows stakers to split their validator key between cloud based operators and hardware operators alike. The core premise of ssv is allowing stakers to split a validator key between non-trusting operators and optimize for fault tolerance and validator performance.

An optimal implementation of an ssv validator should include diversifying between; operators, cloud services, eth2 clients and even geolocations. Now, with ssv.network’s addition into DeppNode, stakers will also have the opportunity to diversify between cloud and hardware based instances.

New frontiers

When planning ssv.network’s road map, we never had imagined the possibility of connecting to a huge network of hardware nodes. Nevertheless, we welcome the initiative and ingenuity of DappNode’s team. This is hopefully a first third-party implementation of many others that are likely soon to follow.

An open-source, decentralized staking infrastructure is the best possible enabler for more teams and developers to get creative and imagine new use cases for SSV based staking. The SSV DAO will soon open up the door to grant applications for anyone who wants to contribute and build on ssv.network.

If you have any ideas you want to work on and need some support to get started, come and chat with us in Discord.



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