The SSV.Network Launch Phase: Revolutionizing the Staking Landscape

The SSV DAO is excited to announce the next phase in the rollout, the Launch phase. Find out about launch partner staking apps! ‘The SSV.Network Launch Phase’

The SSV DAO is excited to announce the next phase in the rollout, the Launch phase. This phase will see the SSV DAO Launch Partners (LPs) going live with the first staking applications built on! This blog post will dive into the wins of Limited Launch, what the Launch phase entails, and a teaser about the SSV DAO Launch Partners.

Don’t forget to watch Mainnet Call #3 to celebrate this momentous occasion in the history of the with the rest of the SSV community.


  • Notable mentions from Limited Launch
  • What the Launch phase entails
  • Launch Partner teaser

Launching a full-scale DVT Network

The SSV DAO has officially approved the Launch phase! Congratulations to the builders, SSV DAO, Verified Operators, and Launch Partners for making it to this amazing milestone. This phase will be the first time DVT is used at scale through multiple staking applications built on

Limited Launch Overview


The Limited Launch was instrumental in reaching the Launch phase. During this time, the network was tested with 20 globally distributed Verified Operators (VOs), each running 30 validators for 45 days. The validators distributed between VOs had different cluster formations and permutations, spread across different clients and tech stacks, genuinely showcasing the network’s resilience and performance.


During the 45-day test period, operators on the were outperforming the Beacon Chain. The attestation rate and effectiveness were significantly higher than the average, and not a single proposal was missed during this time. ‘Limited Launch Performace’


Thanks to the extensive testing and audits of the protocol, smart contracts, and spec, the core team was able to make the Jato-v2 testnet fully permissionless. This means the testnet and mainnet are currently exactly the same, allowing anyone to see what mainnet SSV looks like and test it out.


The SSV DAO, community, and ecosystem play an important role in achieving the vision and purpose of the The aim is not only to decentralize ETH staking but to put the stewardship of decentralization into the hands of the community. A major step in making this happen was to move the ownership of the smart contracts to the SSV DAO Multi-sig committee. The SSV DAO has also released a bug bounty to enlist the community’s help to continue the protocol’s safety.

Launch Phase: By Developers, For Developers

Congratulations to the entire ecosystem for finally arriving at the very anticipated Launch phase!

Following approval by the SSV DAO, this phase has opened the floodgates for public TVL via the Launch Partner staking applications. This will be the first time stakers can use various types of fully functioning staking applications built natively on It will also be the first launch of a DVT network at scale with multiple applications and use cases running on the Ethereum mainnet.

There is a wide variety of staking applications that are going live during the Launch phase, including:

  • Staking Pools
  • Staking Services
  • Institutional Staking
  • Community Staking ‘Mainnet rollout phases’

With these onramps to the established for different kinds of stakers, the network effect becomes massive, similar to the DeFi legos we all know and love today. Any staking app can plug into and use the network’s node operators (or their own) to run their validator infra.

Similar to what L2 does for AAVE or Uniswap and other protocols extending Ethereum’s functionality. In the future, stakers can stake on a DVT-based Lido, Stakewise, or any other service module that SSV will power. The aim is to provide developers with tools to create the next go-to staking applications for the industry.

Until the SSV DAO approves the Permissionless launch later in Q4, the only way to stake using is through the Launch Partners. Only when the Permissionless phase commences can stakers stake directly with SSV or become a permissionless node operator.

Mainnet Launch Partners

With great pleasure, the SSV DAO can finally unveil the Mainnet Launch Partners! The Launch partners are: Stader,Ankr, Stakestar, 01node, Metapool, StakeTogether, XHash, Chainup, Coindelta, Claystack.

Launch Partners ‘Launch Staking Partners’

Each launch partner is a Grantee of the SSV DAO that has pledged to go live as launches. Each launch partner application is part of a range of DVT-based use cases built on the protocol to show the possibilities in the future of staking. They are built with some of the best and up-and-coming in the industry and range from institutional liquid staking to squad staking.

Anyone who wants to join the community-led grants program can sign up! The SSV DAO will fund development teams building decentralized staking applications and services to promote and accelerate development and innovation in the DVT & staking space.


The is built for developers. Giving developers access to easy-to-use, scalable, and decentralized infrastructure is a major driver for adoption. By harnessing the ingenuity of developers, applications can collectively create considerable value for the staking space through various impactful use cases. ‘For Developer, By Developers’
  • Simple & Easy — Use a simple contract transaction to spin up a validator within one slot time on Ethereum (12 seconds). Smart contracts allow seamless cluster creation with no manual coordination required between parties. The contract-based system enables changing operators within a DVT cluster; anyone can use the smart contracts or web app.
  • Decentralized — The is a community-driven public good. No single entity owns the protocol and can make critical changes. The protocol is also permissionless, allowing anyone, especially developers, to use the protocol how they want.
  • Scalable — The number of validators that can be registered and their configurations are essentially endless. Since starting a validator is a simple transaction, validators don’t need to be pre-created or paid for in advance when looking to scale.

Play a Part in the Future of Staking

Whether you are a builder, node operator, staker, or community member, anyone can play a part in the future of staking with Join the Discord and the support team to help with any questions about getting involved.

Website | Network Hub | Discord | Dev Center | Documentation | GitHub



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