Full Logo

The figurative mark must remain either in the blue, white, or black versions of the logo. This ensures the logo is standardized and recognizable. The wordmark varies between black and white depending on its application.

SSV Logo
SSV Logo

Mark logo

Use these only when the ssv.network brand is clearly visible or has been well established elsewhere on the page or in the design (When in doubt use the full logo).

SSV Mark Logo

SSV Colors Palette

This palette of colour combinations can be used as primary and secondary colours. But only when, either the primary colours cannot be used, or there are some unforeseeable restrictions.

Primary Colors
  • #2DB1FF
  • #0E0E52
  • #2305d9
  • #F7F7F7
Secondary Colors
  • #62CFFF
  • #8075FF
  • #9BE8D1


Use these only when the ssv.network brand is clearly visible or has been well established elsewhere on the page or in the design. (When in doubt use the full logo.)

What is the ssv.network

The ssv.network is a fully decentralized, open-source, ETH staking network based on Secret Shared Validator (SSV) technology. SSV is also known as DVT (Distributed Validator Technology), as it provides an infrastructure solution for decentralizing Ethereum validators by distributing their operation to the multiple non-trusting nodes of the network.

What is DVT/SSV Tech?

Distributed validator technology (DVT) is the umbrella term for different technology implementations that aim to run an Ethereum validator on multiple nodes. SSV’s implementation of DVT is an open and permissionless network infrastructure designed for splitting and distributing a validator key into multiple KeyShares, enabling it to run across multiple non- trusting operator nodes on a network. Users that run validators through the network pay operator nodes in SSV tokens for conducting duties on the Beacon Chain on their behalf, with stakers receiving their validator’s ETH rewards in return.

SSV Fonts