Bogota, here we go!
We are super excited to give the SSV community an important heads-up about our plans for Devcon week 2022. Come and join us in beautiful Bogotá, Colombia, for an action-packed few days. Developer or not, feel free to join our dedicated Discord group and get involved. We hope to see as many of you there as possible! is the first-ever implementation of Distributed Validator Technology (DVT), and we are proud to lead the efforts in this critically important space. Since SSV’s inception, the goal has been to play a part in building the best possible version of Ethereum that we can. With the latest developments around censorship and centralization, DVT is more relevant than ever. And to this end, we’ve built infrastructure that will allow the staking space to become decentralized and antifragile.
Getting there will be a community effort, though. The process starts with awareness and results in builders rolling up their sleeves and working together to ensure Ethereum lives to its fullest potential for generations to come. And there is no better platform to promote what is dear to us, as an ecosystem, than Devcon.
We had very little time to celebrate the merge, but it’s time to get back to work #useDVT
The First SSV Hackathon
First up on the agenda is’s first-ever hackathon! We’ve joined the Ethglobal team to take our developer ecosystem to the next level by giving all builders at the event the opportunity to build their own staking applications using SSV. The Ethgolbal Bogotá hackathon event will take place on the 7–9th of October, just before Devcon officially starts.
We have an action-packed three days in store for you, with 20,000 USDC up for grabs if you and your teammates can reach the finish line with your SSV-based implementation.
We will also host a 30 min workshop led by the protocol CTO, Lior, and CMO, Ariel. This talk will be the ultimate opportunity for you to learn everything about DVT and get a competitive insight into the staking infrastructure of the future.
If you’re just there to chill, stop by our booth for some SWAG and snacks. Or, best of all, a Smash tournament with crazy prizes for the winners!
Devcon panel — We can’t wait to jump on stage with Rocket Pool and Lido for a panel hosted by the good people at NOA (Node Operator Association). The panel will take place on the 11th of October, the first day of Devcon. More details will be shared with the community in the coming days.
In the meantime, the has been obtaining a significant portion of the staking ecosystem talent pool to build decentralized staking applications on top of the protocol. We are actively expanding those efforts to reach anyone who wants to build the next-gen Lido or Rocket Pool. There is still enormous room for innovation in the ETH staking ecosystem, and it’s only getting started. Come and make an impact.
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